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What is the right pattern to close an OdbcConnection in an web page

I have a website and I have a data access class that has an OdbcConnection. In the constructor I have this code:

    public MySybaseProvider()
        _conn = GetConn();        

    public OdbcConnection GetConn()
        string connString = "DSN=SybaseIQ;Eng=SYSERVER;Links=tcpip(Host=" + _connectionInfo.Host + ";Port=" + _connectionInfo.Port + ");UID=" + _connectionInfo.User + ";PWD=" + _connectionInfo.Pwd + ";";

        return new OdbcConnection(connString);

and through out the class i have the following code:

    private OdbcQuery GetQuery(string sql)
        return new OdbcQuery(_conn, sql);

I am trying to figure out the best way to make sure I close the connection properly. Should I implement IDisposable? should i open and close the connection on each query? Are there any other best practices here.


To clarify, my use case is that i am loading a single web page but it takes about 10 queries to get all of the data needed for the page.


  • Check if ODBC connection pooling is enabled, and create and open a connection object with the using statement for each of your accesses to the database:

    using (var conn = new OdbcConnection(_connString)) {
      // do a database command ...

    (Note that I changed the design to store your _connString in a field)

    This is the most idiomatic way to do this, and you don't need to worry about creating your connection in the constructor, storing it in a field, or even implementing IDisposable.