this is a solution for the subset sum problem. It uses backtracking. I have been thinking about it for more than 2 hours now and i just cannot understand it.
edit:I have added some comments to the code based on what i have understood. Please correct me if i am wrong.
#include <iostream>
int n, d, w[10], x[10], count=0;
void subset(int cs, int k, int r)//i dont understand the purpose of cs or of the array x[]
int i;
x[k] = 1;
if(cs + w[k] == d) //if the first element is equivalent to the sum that is required
std::cout<< "\n\nSolution " << ++count << " is:";
for(i=0; i<=k; i++) // so if the subset criteria are met then the array is printed.
if(x[i] == 1)
std::cout << w[i] << " ";
else if(cs + w[k] + w[k+1] <= d) //if the node is promising then go to the next node and
subset(cs + w[k], k+1, r - w[k]); //check if subset criteria are met
if(cs + w[k+1] <= d && cs + r - w[k] >= d) //else backtrack
x[k] = 0;
subset(cs, k+1, r-w[k]);
int main()
int sum=0, i;
std::cout << "enter n\n";
std::cin >> n;
std::cout < <"enter " << n << " elements\n";
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
std::cin >> w[i];
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
sum += w[i];
std::cout << "enter value of sum\n";
std::cin >> d;
if(sum < d)
std::cout<<"INVALID SOLUTION\n";
Note: This is a working solution. It works when compiled with g++. I am sorry if this seems too obnoxious but i just did not understand much from the code and hence i cannot give much of an explanation.
cs is the sum of values of the weights chosen so far, while r is the remainder of the summed values of the weights yet to be chosen. w[i] is weight i, x[i] is 1 when weight [i] is chosen. In the subset method there are two main decision branches:
Weight k is chosen:
// adding value of weight k to computed sum (cs) gives required sum, solution found
cout<<"\n\nSolution "<<++count<<" is:";
cout<<w[i]<<" ";
// both weight k and weight k+1 can be chosen without exceeding d,
// so we choose k, and see if there's a solution for weight k+1 onwards
// note that available weight values decreased from r to r-w[k]
else if(cs+w[k]+w[k+1]<=d)
Weight k is not chosen (notice that this is explored even when a solution was found right after weight k is chosen):
// weight k+1 is choosable (does not exceed d), and despite not choosing weight k
// there would be sufficient weights in r less w[k], and together with the chosen
// pool cs to meet the requirement of d.
if(cs+w[k+1]<=d && cs+r-w[k]>=d)