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JavaFX 2.0: Flowpane should automaticly resize when parental element does

In JavaFX 1.x, where I've used the FX-Script to setup the Scene, I had the bind keyword:

Dynamic/instant resize in JavaFX

How can I have the same behavior in 2.0?


  • If you want automatic resize, you should do something like this

    private BorderPane root;
    public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception
       root = new BorderPane();
        //ROOT SHOULD BE ONE OF THE LAYOUTS : BorderPane, HBox, VBox, StackPane,     
        //GridPane, FlowPane
        scene = new Scene(root, 500, 500);
        root.setCenter(new Label("sample label"));

    I have tried only with BorderPane and it works. Also if you want to create custom component, your class should extend one of layouts. Automatic resize won't work if your component extends Pane or Group

    I think this will help to you.

    Best regards Sandro