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How to parse a Mash from LinkedIn to create a Ruby object

I used LinkedIn gem by pengwynn to get authentication from LinkedIn. Everything works fine, and I get a Mash in a callback that looks like this:

#<LinkedIn::Mash all=[#<LinkedIn::Mash company=#<LinkedIn::Mash id=1422 industry="Banking"    
 name="Company" size="10,001+ employees" ticker="ABC" type="Public Company"> id=2851554 
 is_current=true start_date=#<LinkedIn::Mash month=12 year=2008> summary="" title="Boss">] total=1>

How can I parse it to something similar to Rails params in order to create a new object from it?

Thank you.


  • When you receive list of connections of any sort from LinkedIn, you need to get to the list from all. On the object you received from LinkedIn, you have {all, total}. total will give you the number of objects in the array, all will give you all of the objects. So if you wanted to turn the first company into a hash, you would call object.all.first.to_hash. You can iterate through all of them by doing object.all.each {|c| # your block}.

    If your own Rails models match the objects being returned from the linkedin gem, you can do:

    companies.all.each do |company|

    If they don't map 1:1, you can just choose the fields you want:

    companies.all.each do |company|
      c = =
      c.year_founded = company.start_date.year
      c.ticker = company.ticker
      # etc. etc. etc.