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ActiveModel fields not mapped to accessors

Using Rails 3 and ActiveModel, I am unable to use the self. syntax to get the value of an attribute inside an ActiveModel based object.

In the following code, in save method, self.first_name evaluates to nil where @attributes[:first_name] evaluates to 'Firstname' (the value passed in from the controller when initializing the object).

In ActiveRecord this seems to work, but when building the same class in ActiveModel, it does not. How do you refer to a field using accessors in an ActiveModel based class?

class Card
  include ActiveModel::Validations
  extend ActiveModel::Naming 
  include ActiveModel::Conversion
  include ActiveModel::Serialization
  include ActiveModel::Serializers::Xml

  validates_presence_of :first_name

  def initialize(attributes = {})
    @attributes = attributes

  #DWT TODO we need to make sure that the attributes initialize the accessors properyl, and in the same way they would if this was ActiveRecord
  attr_accessor :attributes, :first_name

  def read_attribute_for_validation(key)

  #save to the web service
  def save "self vs attribute:\n\t#{self.first_name}\t#{@attributes["first_name"]}"




  • I figured it out. The "hack" that I mentioned as a comment to Marian's answer actually turns out to be exactly how the accessors for ActiveRecord classes are generated. Here's what I did:

    class MyModel
      include ActiveModel::AttributeMethods
      attribute_method_suffix  "="  # attr_writers
      attribute_method_suffix  ""   # attr_readers
      define_attribute_methods [:foo, :bar]
      # ActiveModel expects attributes to be stored in @attributes as a hash
      attr_reader :attributes
      # simulate attribute writers from method_missing
      def attribute=(attr, value)
        @attributes[attr] = value
      # simulate attribute readers from method_missing
      def attribute(attr)

    You can see the same thing if you look in ActiveRecord's source code (lib/active_record/attribute_methods/{read,write}.rb).