In my application I need the tomcat to be powered by SunJDK. But the default AWS EBS AMI comes with OpenJDK. So I wanted to change this to Sun JDK. But this simplistic task is turning out to be not-so-simple. Here is what I did -
rpm -i <jdk-rpm-file.rpm>
. "Failed to retrieve status of instance 'i-eb800c88' 2 consecutive time(s). Elastic Beanstalk will attempt to retrieve status up to 10 consecutive times before terminating the instance."
I am not sure where am I going wrong. Any pointers appreciated.
Recently I got a response from Saad working at AWS Team & it solved my problem. Here is his answer -
You will need to launch the AMI outside of Elastic Beanstalk (directly from the EC2 console), log into it and do your customizations then burn the AMI. Otherwise, the Host Manager might get corrupted and your instance will fail to come up.
The following documentation highlights the steps needed to create an AMI compatible with Elastic Beanstalk: