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Is Model View Presenter worth the time?

I'm reading about MVP pattern over this weekend and it seem like even the most simple task take too much effort if do it in MVP pattern the pay off seem to be at larger project but i think to myself if i'm going to follow MVP. Why not just do the project in MVC?

The reason that I'm looking at MVP pattern is because I've noticed in all my Webform projects there are a lot of code in the code behind just for event handling along if i have a lot of server control on the web form so i was looking at the way to reduce that and come across the MVP pattern.

Is it worth the effort to follow the MVP pattern or just switch over to the MVC?


  • If you start a new project, then MVC is a better choice. But if you just want to refactor an existing project as you just said, then MVP is the option because there is no easy way to convert those web-forms codes to MVC .