How to add a right click context menu in Windows Explorer for all kind of file extension?
From what I read on the internet, I read a way to do this for certain file extension.
My question, how can we do this for all kind of file extension?
I saw some software did this, for example: WinRar, Notepad++, etc.
PS: I am targeting Delphi 7.0 compatible code.
Thank you.
The simplest way to do this is to add a registry entry like this:
Command C:\Full\Path\To\Your\App.exe "%1"
When the user clicks on this menu item your app will be executed and passed the file name as the first command line argument.
Whilst you can write a shell extension for this, that is more difficult. What's more, if you are using Delphi 7 then you will not be able to write a shell extension for 64 bit Windows.