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How do I test a method which has database queries to update data?

I have a method like the following:

public void ImportDataCommand()
    // some data validation logic here

    if (some_criteria_is_true)
        // Call to a method which uses sql queries to update some records
        // Call to a method which uses sql queries to delete some records
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I am not interested in mocking the data source here. I want to make sure if my SQL queries are correct and are doing the right updates. Sorry for the confusion, if you thought, I wanted to test my validation logic as opposed to my data update logic (SQL).

I do have experience with mocking frameworks and I did use them successfully to write unit tests for my normal application logic.


  • Your problem starts with the phrase 'as well as'.

    Don't have validation and data access in the same class - delegate the data access to another class and inject it - this way you can mock out the data source when testing your validation.

    class Bar {
    private DataAccessService service
    public void Foo()
        // some data validation logic here
        if (some_criteria_is_true)
            // Call to a method which uses sql queries to update some records
            // Call to a method which uses sql queries to delete some records

    You can then use a mocking framework to test that the correct service methods are called.