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How to cancel a video upload in progress using the Facebook iOS SDK?

I'm using the Facebook iOS SDK to post videos from my app to the user's facebook.

I'm trying to allow the user to cancel the upload after the upload has started.

These are the methods that starts the upload:

- (void)startUpload
    NSArray* permissions = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:
                            @"publish_stream", nil];
    [facebook authorize:permissions];
    [permissions release];

- (void)fbDidLogin
    NSString *filePath = [videoNSURL path];

    NSData *videoData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:filePath];
    NSMutableDictionary *params = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
                                   videoData, @"",
                                   @"video/quicktime", @"contentType",
                                   videoTitle, @"title",
                                   videoDescription, @"description",
    [facebook requestWithGraphPath:@"me/videos"

I cannot find any methods inside Facebook.h that comes with the Facebook iOS SDK that allows me to cancel the upload.

Even if I do a [facebook release], it will still not cancel the FBSession which is trying to upload the video. Which means I'll get a exc_bad_access when the upload is complete when FBSession tries to inform the facebook object that the upload is complete.


  • I added the following methods:


    (void) cancel {
       [_connection cancel];
       [_connection release], _connection = nil;


    (void)cancelPendingRequest {
      [_request cancel];
      [_request release], _request = nil;

    cancelPendingRequest will allow me to cancel a video upload in progress.