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octave: representing matrices of standard basis vectors

Suppose I have a matrix such that each row is a standard basis vector, i.e. each row contains exactly one 1, the other columns being 0.

Is there a convenient way to create such a matrix (i.e. given a vector of positions of where the ones are in each row)?

Also, is there a way I should represent such a matrix so that multiplications with it can be done more efficiently in octave?


  • Suppose you want a 3x3 matrix with the ones in columns 3, 1, and 2 respectively:

    > pos = [3,1,2];
    > x = eye(3)(pos,:);

    will give you a matrix with 9 elements, most zero, with the ones in the desired places. You can save memory by using a sparse representation: sparse_x = sparse(x);. But the following test on my machine implies that the natural form multiplies faster:

    > N = 10000;
    > s = rand(N,N);
    > x = eye(N)(randperm(N),:);
    > sx = sparse(x);
    > t = cputime(); ss = s*x; cputime()-t
    ans = 0.41124
    > t = cputime(); ss2 = s*sx; cputime()-t
    ans = 1.0313

    This was Octave 3.4 on a Core i7, YMMV.

    Looking at whos it appears that Octave is doing something clever with x:

    > whos
    Variables in the current scope:
      Attr Name        Size                     Bytes  Class
      ==== ====        ====                     =====  ===== 
           N           1x1                          8  double
           s       10000x10000              800000000  double
           ss      10000x10000              800000000  double
           ss2     10000x10000              800000000  double
           sx      10000x10000                 160004  double
           x       10000x10000                  40000  double  <---SMALLER THAN s!

    If it knows x is special, maybe it's already taking advantage of speedups in the multiplication.