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Is there any use of favicon.ico for mobile websites?

Is there any use of favicon.ico for mobile websites? will it be shown in browser address bar and tabs in mobile websites

We use apple icons <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="/apple-touch-icon.png"/> in mobile websites. what about Android, Blackberry and Windows 7 phone? Is favicon.ico useful for other mobile phones other then iOS mobiles


  • Here is my study about icons:

    Considering the tag: <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="IMAGE-NAME" />

    Considering the sizes:

    57x57px default size

    72x72px iPad size

    114x114px Retina / Opera


    'apple-touch-icon.png' - at iOS, in this image will applied the 'Gloss' effect. On other OS'es, nothing happens.

    'apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png' - This image will not receive any effect

    Here is the following tests on OS':

    BlackBerry v6.0 or higher - Only works 'apple-touch-icon'

    BlackBerry v5.9 or lower - Not supported

    Android 2.2 or higher - Works both versions

    Android 2.1 or lower - Only works 'apple-touch-icon-precomposed'

    iOS 4.1 or lower - Works both versions

    iOS 4.2 or higher - Works both versions and accept size attributes (and so, sizes different from 57x57px)

    Nokia's (probably S60 5th FP1 and higher, not fully confirmed) - Some accept 'apple-touch-icon'

    OperaMini (SpeedDial Shortcut) - Works both versions BUT must have at LEAST 114x114px (speed dial normally is 200x200px if i'm not mistaken.