I have the following script, it reads from users.txt the first and second fields and uses them to generate the username and password and creates the accounts for each line. the problem is that the script is only creating accounts for the first 2 lines and not for the rest
while IFS=":" read GECOS USRGRP ; do
groupadd -f $USRGRP
USERNM="u$(cat /dev/urandom| tr -dc '0-9' | fold -w 6| head -n 1)"
USERPW=$(cat /dev/urandom| tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 6| head -n 1)
ACCNT=$(grep $USRNM /etc/passwd)
echo "${tgrn}Account creation successful!${tr}"
echo "$ACCNT"
echo "Credentials"
echo "${tred}Username:${tr} $USERNM ${tred}Password:${tr} $USERPW"
done < $FILE
while IFS=: read GECOS USRGRP; do
# your groupadd and useradd commands here
done < /home/knoppix/users.txt