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Data from a MATLAB .fig file using Python?

Does anyone know of any methods of extracting the data from a MATLAB fig file using Python? I know these are binary files but the methods in the Python Cookbook for .mat files don't seem to work for .fig files...

Thanks in advance for any help, Dan


  • .fig files are .mat files (containing a struct), see

    As the reference you give states, structs are only supported up to v7.1:

    So, in MATLAB I save using -v7:

    plot([1 2],[3 4])

    Then in Python 2.6.4 I use:

    >>> from import loadmat
    >>> x = loadmat('c.fig')
    >>> x
    {'hgS_070000': array([[< object at 0x1500e70>]], dtype=object), '__version__': '1.0', '__header__': 'MATLAB 5.0 MAT-file, Platform: MACI64, Created on: Fri Nov 18 12:02:31 2011', '__globals__': []}
    >>> x['hgS_070000'][0,0].__dict__
    {'handle': array([[1]], dtype=uint8), 'children': array([[< object at 0x1516030>]], dtype=object), '_fieldnames': ['type', 'handle', 'properties', 'children', 'special'], 'type': array([u'figure'], dtype='<U6'), 'properties': array([[< object at 0x1500fb0>]], dtype=object), 'special': array([], shape=(1, 0), dtype=float64)}

    Where I used .__dict__ to see how to traverse the structure. E.g. to get XData and YData I can use:

    >>> x['hgS_070000'][0,0].children[0,0].children[0,0].properties[0,0].XData
    array([[1, 2]], dtype=uint8)
    >>> x['hgS_070000'][0,0].children[0,0].children[0,0].properties[0,0].YData
    array([[3, 4]], dtype=uint8)

    Showing that I'd used plot([1 2],[3 4]) in MATLAB (the child is the axis and the grandchild is the lineseries).