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When I extend a class, do I call the static functions directly from a subtype or should I use parent:: each time?

When I defined a function in a supertype and called without parent:: it gave me and error teling me it's undefined function. I am wondering if I should use parent:: each time or if I am doing something wrong somewhere else.

I have a class, named core, which has an escape() function for escaping strings I am trying to call this function from subtypes. all methods are static.

Right now I don'T think static methods are inherited. I call all the static superclass methods with


now. Because static methods are not inherited.


  • use parent:: only when you are going to override function in your child class

    Best way to explain this is this example:

    class Parent {
        function test1() {}    
        function test2() {}
        function __construct() {}
    class Child extends Parent {
        function test1() {}  // function is overrided
        function test3() {
            parent::test1(); // will use Parent::test1()
            $this->test1();  // will use Child::test1()
            $this->test2();  // will use Parent:test2()
        function __construct() {
            parent::__construct() // common use of parent::
            ... your code.

    Practical example (static methods):

    class LoaderBase {
        static function Load($file) {
            echo "loaded $file!<br>";
    class RequireLoader extends LoaderBase {
        static function Load($file) {
    class IncludeLoader extends LoaderBase {
        static function Load($file) {
    LoaderBase::Load('common.php'); // this will only echo text
    RequireLoader::Load('common.php'); // this will require()
    IncludeLoader::Load('common.php'); // this will include()
    loaded common.php!
    loaded common.php!
    loaded common.php!

    Anyways using parent:: is more useful in non-static methods.

    As of PHP 5.3.0, PHP implements a feature called late static bindings which can be used to reference the called class in a context of static inheritance.

    More information here