How can I change the used color-profile in my Drupal install profile? I've installed the colors
-module and I can configure under Appearance - Settings - *theme*
my color-schema which results in a $info
array with all the color values. But how can I place this in my install profile so it will be installed by default?
I have added a task in my install profile and linked to it this function. But obviously, there is something missing...
$tasks['_create_color']['display_name'] = 'Set the typical color on each platform';
$tasks['_create_color']['display'] = 0;
function _create_color() {
$info = array(
'schemes' => array(
'default' => array(
'title' => t('Blue Lagoon (default)'),
'colors' => array(
'top' => '#97279b',
'bottom' => '#97279b',
'footer' => '#97279b',
'link' => '#97279b',
Anyone with advice?
I found myself a perfect function to change the used color-profile!
function _create_color() {
$theme = 'bartik';
$scheme = 'firehouse';
$fform = array();
$fform_state = array();
$fform_state['build_info']['args'][0] = $theme;
$fform = system_theme_settings($fform, $fform_state, $theme);
color_form_system_theme_settings_alter($fform, $fform_state);
$fform_state['values']['theme'] = $theme;
$fform_state['values']['info'] = color_get_info($theme);
$fform_state['values']['palette'] = $fform_state['values']['info']['schemes'][$scheme]['colors'];
$fform_state['values']['scheme'] = $scheme;
color_scheme_form_submit($fform, $fform_state);
Which does the trick when placed inside a task in the install profile.