I am using DWR for one of my application. I have setup the environment and clear about how to make call to Java functions using the ClassName.method() approach. But I want to use jsonp style approach mentioned here http://directwebremoting.org/dwr/introduction/remoting_options.html.
I tried creating sample application and run on tomcat. But I was unable to get any result from server. It was saying 404.
This is my call:
$.post("/DWRDemo/dwr/jsonp/Demo/sayHello/" + name, { },
function(data) {
dwr.util.setValue("demoReply", data.reply);
}, "jsonp");
DWRDemo: Application name
Demo: class name
sayHello : method name
<create creator="new" javascript="Demo">
<param name="class" value="org.getahead.dwrdemo.simpletext.Demo"/>
<display-name>DWR Servlet</display-name>
<description>Direct Web Remoter Servlet</description>
And I have included the required .js files in my html
Is there any other configuration that I am missing.
Appreciate your help.
I have found the resolution. Actually, I was using DWR.jar (version 2.7). But looks like it does not support servlet call. I tried with DWR.jar (version 3.0) and it worked straight away.