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Can I echo my password to two commands?

I'd like to login to a remote machine, and mount my home dir there with a single command. I tried to do it with:

echo myPassword | tee "sshfs boriskh@ /home/boris/Work/molDyn/boriskh@hpchead" | ssh -Y boriskh@ 

but it doesn't work. tee says that it doesn't know the -Y option, and if quote both commands - it also works wrong.


I found that these thiings put separately also don't work:

echo myPassword | ssh -Y boriskh@
echo myPassword | sshfs boriskh@ /home/boris/Work/molDyn/boriskh@hpchead


To get the required functionality (mounting the remote home and also login there - in a single command with no password prompts) can be easily achieved with keys (with no passphrase - i.e. input Enter as a code):

ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ boriskh@

That's it. After that the desired functionality is achieved with:

sshfs boriskh@ /home/boris/Work/molDyn/boriskh@hpchead && ssh -Y boriskh@


  • I think that for that task it should be more comfortable and secure use public keys. It's really easy and there are lot of tutorials.

    Remember not put anything in the passphrase, or it will be like have to type the password.