In my class I have a member:
std::vector<std::string> memory_;
Now I'd like to have a fnc returning what's in the memory's first element but I do not want to specify std::string
as a return type in case later I decide to use different type for this purpose so I've tried this but it doesn't work:
typename decltype(memory_)::value_type call_mem()
return memory_[0];
Any ideas how to specify return type in the most generic way?
As long as you use a standard container, that should work, and I think is okay.
Alternatively, since it is a member of a class, then you can use typedef
and expose the value_type
as nested type of the class:
class demo
typedef std::vector<std::string> container_type;
typedef container_type::value_type value_type;
value_type call_mem()
return *std::begin(memory_); //it is more generic!
container_type memory_;
Note that *std::begin(memory_)
is more generic than both memory_[0]
and *memory_.begin()
as with it, even arrays would work, but that is less likely to benefit you in real code.