I'm using NetBeans 6.9.1 with the Python package on OS X 10.6.8 for a project I've mounted using FUSE for OS X and MacFusion.
Initially, when checking out the project from subversion, I'm able to commit and update as I wish. However - when I restart NetBeans, it fails to see the svn configuration for the project. The project Subversion context menu is empty.
When I try to commit from Team -> Subversion -> Commit (yes, that option is still there), it yields this error: Cannot determine repositoryRootUrl for selected context: /Volumes/mounted/project/root/files
I've already tried the Macfusion option "-o workaround=rename" as per the resolved svn issues on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1065308 .
Ok, the work around is quite easy... Make sure the SSHFS drive is mounted before starting NetBeans, if your project is still loaded in NetBeans.