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NSMutableDictionary Key Value Checking Problems

I little confuse in NSMutableDictionary retrieving Key and Value checking for that i did this code.

    NSMutableDictionary *testDictionary=[NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
        //  NSMutableDictionary *testDictionary=[[NSMutableDictionary alloc]init];

        [testDictionary setObject:@"Muhammed Musthafa" forKey:@"10005"];
        [testDictionary setObject:@"Lubaba p" forKey:@"10006"];
        [testDictionary setObject:@"Sahala Banu" forKey:@"10007"];
        [testDictionary setObject:@"Vishnu k" forKey:@"10008"];
        [testDictionary setObject:@"Shabeer PP" forKey:@"10009"];
        [testDictionary setObject:@"Sabeehath " forKey:@"10010"];
        [testDictionary setObject:@"Anusha GS" forKey:@"10011"];
        [testDictionary setObject:@"JINI KS" forKey:@"10012"];
        [testDictionary setObject:@"Athulya T" forKey:@"10013"];
        [testDictionary setObject:@"Midhun KS" forKey:@"10014"];

        for(NSString *kk in testDictionary)
            NSString *fName;
                fName=[testDictionary objectForKey:kk];

                fName=[testDictionary objectForKey:kk];

                fName=[testDictionary objectForKey:kk];
            NSLog(@"KEY=====%@ and  Value====%@",kk,fName);

The out put value :

    2011-11-17 10:49:37.054 ArchiveData[2539:207] KEY=====10013 and  Value====
    2011-11-17 10:49:37.055 ArchiveData[2539:207] KEY=====10006 and  Value====
    2011-11-17 10:49:37.056 ArchiveData[2539:207] KEY=====10008 and  Value====
    2011-11-17 10:49:37.056 ArchiveData[2539:207] KEY=====10010 and  Value====
    2011-11-17 10:49:37.057 ArchiveData[2539:207] KEY=====10012 and  Value====
    2011-11-17 10:49:37.057 ArchiveData[2539:207] KEY=====10014 and  Value====
    2011-11-17 10:49:37.058 ArchiveData[2539:207] KEY=====10005 and  Value====
    2011-11-17 10:49:37.059 ArchiveData[2539:207] KEY=====10007 and  Value====
    2011-11-17 10:49:37.060 ArchiveData[2539:207] KEY=====10009 and  Value====
    2011-11-17 10:49:37.061 ArchiveData[2539:207] KEY=====10011 and  Value====
  1. why this three {(kk==@"10006") if(kk==@"10007") if(kk==@"10013")} if state ment return false?

  2. There is any other method for checking id key like this?

  3. I saw the same type of coding working fine in some other coding,So this is depending any other configuration?

  4. how can i check particular key==@"some Key value"?


  • code:

    NSMutableDictionary *testDictionary=[NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
        //  NSMutableDictionary *testDictionary=[[NSMutableDictionary alloc]init];
        [testDictionary setObject:@"Muhammed Musthafa" forKey:@"10005"];
        [testDictionary setObject:@"Lubaba p" forKey:@"10006"];
        [testDictionary setObject:@"Sahala Banu" forKey:@"10007"];
        [testDictionary setObject:@"Vishnu k" forKey:@"10008"];
        [testDictionary setObject:@"Shabeer PP" forKey:@"10009"];
        [testDictionary setObject:@"Sabeehath " forKey:@"10010"];
        [testDictionary setObject:@"Anusha GS" forKey:@"10011"];
        [testDictionary setObject:@"JINI KS" forKey:@"10012"];
        [testDictionary setObject:@"Athulya T" forKey:@"10013"];
        [testDictionary setObject:@"Midhun KS" forKey:@"10014"];
        for(NSString *kk in testDictionary)
            NSString *fName;
            if([kk isEqualToString:@"10006"])
                fName=[testDictionary objectForKey:kk];
            if([kk isEqualToString: @"10007"])
                fName=[testDictionary objectForKey:kk];
            if([kk isEqualToString:@"10013"])
                fName=[testDictionary objectForKey:kk];
            NSLog(@"KEY=====%@ and  Value====%@",kk,fName);

    output for your code.

    2011-11-17 12:47:59.910 test[12512:a0f] KEY=====10008 and  Value====(null)
    2011-11-17 12:47:59.910 test[12512:a0f] KEY=====10010 and  Value====(null)
    2011-11-17 12:47:59.911 test[12512:a0f] KEY=====10012 and  Value====(null)
    2011-11-17 12:47:59.911 test[12512:a0f] KEY=====10014 and  Value====(null)
    2011-11-17 12:47:59.912 test[12512:a0f] KEY=====10005 and  Value====(null)
    2011-11-17 12:47:59.912 test[12512:a0f] KEY=====10007 and  Value====Sahala Banu
    2011-11-17 12:47:59.912 test[12512:a0f] KEY=====10009 and  Value====Sahala Banu
    2011-11-17 12:47:59.913 test[12512:a0f] KEY=====10011 and  Value====Sahala Banu
    2011-11-17 12:47:59.913 test[12512:a0f] KEY=====10013 and  Value====Athulya T
    2011-11-17 12:47:59.913 test[12512:a0f] KEY=====10006 and  Value====Lubaba p  

    it working fine. After 10007 you dont have condition for for 10009 and 10011. so the fName value is not changed for that.
    When you use the == operator, you are comparing pointer values. This will only work when the objects you are comparing are exactly the same object, at the same memory address.