I have a web application that I am trying to deploy and have the web.config file parametrised. I can build the package by running
msbuild myproj.csproj /T:package
now when it produces the package, i get a file in the directory.
This file has Parameters in it that if I change they would end up in the deployed package. My Question is, how can i define more parameters so that when I build the project it has my extra parameters in the file.
I belive i could do it using MSDeploy -declareParam
But how would I do this from MSBuild? or the .csproj file.
My end goal is to have a parametrised Web.config file for deployment into multiple environments.
Ok so turns out this is fairly easy, after some significant googling eventually found this post
VS 2010 makes your life easier by allowing you to simply drop the Parameters file in the root of your web project and if a file with the name Parameters.xml is found in the root of your project it passes it to Web Deploy which then parameterizes your web…