I am trying to Build a gallery in Android ( Not exactly what is already existing in android , by gallery I mean a set of images being displayed together ).
I want to build something like this : http://www.simpleviewer.net/tiltviewer/app/ (Ignore the 3d affect.. )
A set of images that can be flipped to see the text behind. The list of images is dynamic and also the content .( I would be getting the list from web ) Also two images could have been flipped on one side and two can be on the other side.
I initially referred 3dTransition : http://developer.android.com/resources/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/animation/Transition3d.html and understood a little about transitions.
Do I have to create 10's of ImageViews according to list and place it dynamically or do I have a better approach.
Referred : Android + Use ViewFlipper to flip individual items within a ListView? But the list view can show one item in a row.. I want to show two to three items. Also individual Items must be clickable and not the complete row. referred http://code.google.com/p/shelves/ , to implement multiple items in a list row. So is that the way to go ?
How do I display text ? Inflate layout as many as Imageview ? Or one layout file would do ? (How ? ).
Finally implemented it in this way :
A GridView as top layout.
Each child layout having a ViewFlipper
with two views . one for image and other for text.
I attached an onlClick
event on griditem onChildItemClick
Note : the swype (fling) action wouldn't work in this screen due to problems of detecting a fling gesture in a scrollable view. This might help : http://www.jmstudio.org/archives/391 or can look here too Swipe/Fling tab-changing in conjunction with ScrollView?