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Sonar & Gallio: Gallio won't execute as there are no test projects

I have installed Sonar and configured it to analyze our (.NET) projects (using Sonar-Runner). Everything works great, except the tests (MsTest). I've googled around, spent quite some time just trying, but no success. Each time I run sonar-runner, I see the same line in the output:

Gallio won't execute as there are no test projects

I've even created a new solution with 2 projects:

  • TestProject => The 'main' project, has only 1 class
  • TestProject.UnitTests => has some simple unit tests on the class in the TestProject

In my file for the solution I have the following line:


Running the analysis, everything works fine and I get result, except again: "no test projects found."

Actually I've tried many things with this property, but none have been successful. I also tried with a direct path to the dll, with the property:


and some other paths (relative, etc), but still: No test projects found.

Is there anyone who has some experience with this and can help me out with this problem?

PS. When I run Gallio on it self, it works, tests get executed, etc. Also, the path to Gallio in the Sonar properties is correct.


  • According to the source code (thanks to for the Sonar C-sharp plugin, a project qualifies as a test project if its assembly name matches the testProjectPattern, which defaults to "*.Tests". It can also be set in, like this:


    Note the spelling error (donet)...(!)