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Guava: construct a Multimap by inverting a Map

why does Guava doesn't have the following factory call to create a MultiMap from a normal Map?

public static <K,V> MultiMap<K,V> invertMap(Map<V,K> map);

I have program-names mapped to an integer of how often they were called. I'd like to invert this, so that i can ultimately construct a TreeMap, sorted by call-count, which then are the keys leading to one or multiple program-names.


  • How about:

    public static <K,V> Multimap<K,V> invertMap(Map<V,K> map) {
        return Multimaps.invertFrom(Multimaps.forMap(map), ArrayListMultimap.create());

    Doesn't seem like this requires a dedicated function. You can even get back to a TreeMap pretty easily:

    Map<String, Integer> programCounts;
    TreeMap<Integer, Collection<String>> map = 
        new TreeMap<>(