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Rearranging the alphabet (VB)

I wanted to basically rearrange the alphabet with a keyword infront as I am doing a simple substitutional cipher. I have kind of worked out the logic of doing that but I am a bit stuck on the coding side.

What I wanted was something like:

Dim key = "keyword"

    For i = 0 to 26

    'insert keyword and put in A to Z after without duplicating characters


'output: keywordabcfghijlmnpqstuvxz


  • I think looping through the key is cleaner than looping through the alphabet:

    Dim key as string = "keyword"
    Dim alphabet As new StringBuilder("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
    for each c As Char in key
        alphabet.Replace(c.ToString(), Nothing)
    return key & alphabet.ToString()

    or slightly more efficient change the replace line as follows to avoid scanning all 26 letters of the alphabet on each iteration:

        alphabet.Replace(c.ToString(), Nothing, 0, 1)