I'm using gem mongoid_special instead of mongoid_geo. Main question is how to geocode with gmaps4rails entered places and save coordinates like lat and lng in right mongoid_special array fields? I predict many association for coordinates. Illustrative materials:
/haml view fields (autocompleted with google places)/
= f.text_field :from, :id => 'from'
= f.text_field :waypoints, :id => 'waypoints'
= f.text_field :to, :id => 'from'
class Trip
include Gmaps4rails::ActsAsGmappable
include Mongoid::Document
include Mongoid::Spacial::Document
field :from, :type => String
field :waypoints, type => String
field :to, type => String
field :from_coordinate, type: Array, spacial: {lat: :latitude, lng: :longitude, return_array: true }
field :to_coordinate, type: Array, spacial: {lat: :latitude, lng: :longitude, return_array: true }
embeds_many :coordinates
class Coordinates
include Mongoid::Document
include Mongoid::Spacial::Document
field :coordinates, type: Array, spacial: {lat: :latitude, lng: :longitude, return_array: true }
embedded_in :trip
Further question is how to get reverse geocode from this fields and display data as google direction?
EDIT Thanks for hint my solution for from field below, with the rest I can manage somehow.
before_save :from
def from=(from)
self.from_coordinate = Gmaps4rails.geocode(from).first
Here is what I suggest:
To get the data the way you want, create your own before_save
filter and use the Gmaps4rails.geocode
method described here.
To display direction, see here
no reverse geocoding is available in gmaps4rails