I am reading myself about Minimum Spanning trees in Cormen,etc. Following is the generic minimum spanning tree.
Assume we have a connected, undirected graph G = (V, E) witha a weight function w:E->R and we wish to find a minimum spanning tree for G. Here we use greedy approach. This greedy strategy is captured by the following "generic" algorithm, which grows the minimum spanning tree one edge at a time. The algorithm manages a set of edges A, maintaining the following loop invariant.
Prior to each iteration, A is subset of some minimum spanning tree.
while A is not a spanning tree
do find an edge (u, v) that is safe for A
A = A ∪ {(u, v)}
end while
return A
What does authore mean in invariant that "A" is subset of some minimum spanning tree? What is "some" in this statement? i taught there is only one MST.
In above pseudocode what does author mean by "A is not a spanning tree"? i.e., how and when while loop exits?
In pseudo code where "some" minimum spanning tree, here my understading is only one. am i right?
Can any one pls explain with small example?
1. Absolutely not. MST are not necessarily unique. For example:
All edges are of equal weight.
u --- v
| |
| |
w --- x
The above graph has 4 MSTs, by removing any edge.
2. A spanning tree T = (V,e)
in G = (V,E)
is such that |e| = |V|-1
3. No.