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In solr dih import two double in one location

What I have now is the two double filds:

<field name="x_geo_x_coordinate" type="double" indexed="true" stored="true" default="0"/> 
<field name="x_geo_y_coordinate" type="double" indexed="true" stored="true" default="0"/>

and what I want: the 2 double value in one location field:

<field name="x_geo" type="location" indexed="true" stored="true" default="0.0,0.0"/>

What I tried so far and does't work:

<copyField source="*_coordinate" dest="x_geo"/>
<copyField source="x_geo_str" dest="x_geo"/>

Any simple solution? Thanks in advance!


  • Well, you where right @nikhil500. ScriptTransformer is one answer, (I'm not sure if this is the simpliest). The dataconfig.xml contains a java function:

                function puttwodouble(row)        {
                    var attrVal1 = row.get("GEO_X_WERT");
                    var attrVal2 = row.get("GEO_Y_WERT");
                    var attrVal = attrVal1 + "," + attrVal2;
                    var arr = new java.util.ArrayList()
                    return row;

    whitch will be called:

     <entity name="inner_geo_str" transformer="script:puttwodouble"
                query="select GEO_X_WERT, GEO_Y_WERT from FIRMA_GEODATEN where GEO_FIR_NR ='${outer.FIR_NR}' and geo_x_wert != 'NF'">                     
                      <field column="GEO_X_WERT" name="x_geo_x_s"/> 
                      <field column="GEO_Y_WERT" name="x_geo_y_s"/>                     

    Hope that will help others to solve this kind of problem.