Hi i have written reminder code in service onstart().and when user insert date-time and insert record at that time service called by startservice() function,but only service is starting when i insert record i.e i am getting reminder when it get call from my activity.but i want reminder after 3days or something so how should i keep service always on so that i can get reminder in future? or how should i make connection of service keep alive?should i called bindservice() frunction from my any activity or what? thanks in advance---
Firstly no need of service,you can useAlarManagerClass Link Alarmanger class for schedule events and show alert at specific time and date. If you want show messages after some long duration then schedule a Pending-intent via the AlarmManager thats starts the service at the relevant point in time to do it's work. When done, kill the service again as per tell by above answers . In addition you can store your data into shared preferences for permanently. You can retrieve it at any time for resheulding it on device reboot or for other purpose.