I am looking to make a script, where, given a Youtube user it will pull the banner off of their channel. The Youtube channel will be user-inputed.
Example input: thenewboston
Note that, the location of the channel would be http://www.youtube.com/user/thenewboston
And that is how all youtube channels URL's are formatted. Also notice that the banner image is in a div with id="user_banner".
So the ideal output in this case (thenewboston's channel) would be http://i3.ytimg.com/u/JbPGzawDH1njbqV-D5HqKw/profile_header.jpg?v=4bba630b
With Javascript, its difficult as you cannot make cross-site ajax requests. You will probably need to involve php in this. You can do in jQuery,
$.get(getYTBanner.php, variables)
and in getYTBanner.php, you will need to open this url using file_get_contents or cURL and from there get the banner through html.
Warning: not actual syntax.