I try to use the perl script to automate the interaction with a website.
I use module WWW::Mechanize to realize my design. But I cannot perform the button click in my perl script by using command as below.
$mech->click( $button [, $x, $y] )
$mech->click_button( ... )
It is because this button does not belongs to any form and without name, I can not call or locate this button in my perl script. How can I make it possible to click this button in my perl script like I interact with browser? Thank you.
<button class="button transactional" id="checkout-now"><span>Check Out Now</span></button>
If button does not belong to any form it should have onclick event defined, like @Bilzac and @hijack mentioned. In this case you are not able to reproduce browser's behavior because WWW::Mechanize
does only html analysis.
Dealing with JavaScript events it's more easy to implement browser's network activity rather then implementing whole JavaScript events and DOM interaction.