I need to install LWP::Parallel::UserAgent to run on Windows environment, I used ActivePerl 5.10. I search on Google but did not find any information about repo for this package
When you want to find a module (or which distribution a module lives in), always turn to CPAN, not Google. Go to search.cpan.org and type the module name into the textbox and click search. You will see results that look like this:
A class for parallel User Agents
(1 Reviews) - 09 Feb 2004 - Marc Langheinrich
The first link is to the documentation for the module you were searching for. The second is a link to the distribution the module is in (commonly they have the same name, but as we can see here they may differ), the third link is to what people have to say about this module, and the fourth is to the Author's CPAN page, which will contain all of the modules the author has uploaded to CPAN and her or his contact information.
From this search information we can see that the LWP::Parallel::UserAgent is in the ParallelUserAgent distribution.