I have a .dot Word template, and I loop through the bookmarks to fill the Document.
I'm filling the template for each RecordSet's Row, but I'm creating a new/separated Word Document.
Can I Add Pages to the document or merge individual documents to open a single Word document with all pages that I need?
This is an schema of my code
Set rst = qdf.OpenRecordset()
If Not rst.EOF Then
Do While Not rst.EOF()
Set doc = appWord.Documents.Open(DOC_PATH & DOC_NAME, , True)
For Each bm In doc.Bookmarks
' Fill Bookmarks
Next bm
appWord.Documents.Open filename:=DOC_PATH & DOC_NAME
End If
What about using InsertFile to append all the documents to the first one you open? You could also insert page breaks if you want (not shown here)
Dim W As New Word.Application
W.Visible = True
Dim D As Document: Set D = W.Documents.Add
Dim R As Word.Range: Set R = D.Range
R.InsertFile "c:\somefile.doc"