I have a strange problem using Spring MVC message bundles: the wrong message bundle file is being fetched. I have double-checked, and in my Java controller class I have the fr_FR locale, but Spring tags (appContext.getMessage(code, null, locale);
in the class as well) return me English messages!
What is going on?
I am developing portlets for Liferay Portal. Let me show you parts of my code:
in applicationContext.xml:
<bean id="messageSource" class="org.springframework.context.support.ResourceBundleMessageSource">
<property name="basenames">
in my JSPs I have code looking like this:
<spring:message code="button.help"/>
and the paths to my messages look like this:
deployed in Tomcat
I had a similar issue when my localized message file had a bad unicode character (the \uXXX form).
Neither Java, Spring nor Tomcat did write an information about it, no feedback at all.
After fixing the file, everything suddenly started to work.