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Telerik MVC 3.0 DatePicker dosen't seems to work While Binding to a Collection?

In my MVC 3.0 Razor Engine Project

I am using Telerik DatePicker It seems to be Telerik Date Picker is having some issues while binding to Collections. as mentioned here on Telerik Forum

This is my Code

            id = ViewData.TemplateInfo
                         .Replace("[", "_")
                         .Replace("]", "_") + DateTime.Now.Millisecond.ToString()
    .Value(Model > DateTime.MinValue? Model : DateTime.Today)

This is my View


though This brings the value calender Icon but when I click on Icon or text box it wont show the calender to pick date.


  • Hey I could fix my problem. just use below line to have the bind date to Telerik DatePiker and this works
