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mvp async progress winforms

i implemented a simple ProgressPresenter

public interface IProgressView
    string Status { set; }
    void SetProgress(int percentageDone);

    void Display();
    void Close();

    event Action Closing;

class ProgressPresenter
    private IProgressView m_view;
    private ILongRunningTask m_task;
    private bool m_completed;

    public Progress(IProgressView view)
        m_view = view;

    public virtual void Display(ILongRunningTask task, string taskName)
        m_task = task;

        m_view.Status = taskName " is running";

        m_view.Closing += OnClosing;
        task.ProgressChanged += UpdateProgress;
        task.Completed += Completed;



        m_view.Closing -= OnClosing;
        task.ProgressChanged -= UpdateProgress;
        task.Completed -= Completed;

    protected virtual void UpdateProgress(object sender, ProgessEventArgs e)
        m_view.SetProgress(e.AlreadyDone * 100 / e.Total);

    protected virtual void Completed()
        m_completed = true;
        m_view.Status = "Completed";

    private virtual void OnClosing()
        if (!m_completed) m_downloader.Cancel();

My problem is that the task is running in another thread and each call to the view (implemented as a Form) throws. Should i wrap each method in the Form like

public string Status
    set { Invoke(new Action(() => progressLabel.Text = value)); }

just in case it could be called from another thread? or is the Presenter flawed?

Any advice is appreciated


  • Yes, you should do that. I don't know what other libraries are you using, but is probably a good idea to add an aspect to all your views to do that for you.

    Also it might be worth adding a couple of friendly methods in a base view; E.g. I've got these ones:

        public void Invoke(Action action)
            if (_control.InvokeRequired)
        public T Invoke<T>(Func<T> action)
            if (_control.InvokeRequired)
                return (T)_control.Invoke(action);
            return action();

    for an example of the aspect implementation check here