I am working on a project about SNMP.
I know that between SNMPv1 and SNMPv2, SNMPv2 has GetBulk and Inform commands in addition. I would like to know that for the commands that are supported in the three versions like Get GetNext Set etc.., is there a difference in terms of compatibility or is there any difference that I should know?
SNMPv1 is missing GetBulk and the TRAP2 and INFORM commands (and REPORT, but you probably don't ever need to know that it exists). Other than that, SNMPv2c is a minor change to SNMPv1 that only adds these three commands. SNMPv3 uses the SNMPv2 PDU format so the command list is identical. SNMPv3 only wraps security and other processing around the SNMPv2 PDU set.