I dont understand what is wrong. If I run this command in command prompt
dir /S/B | findstr "test" > \\server-name\c$\results.txt
It works fine. But If I try running it thru powershell on a remote computer
$result = ([WmiClass]"\\$s\ROOT\CIMV2:Win32_Process").create("cmd /c dir /S/B | findstr ""test"" > \\server-name\c$\results.txt")
I have also tried
$result = ([WmiClass]"\\$s\ROOT\CIMV2:Win32_Process").create("cmd /c dir /S/B | findstr ""test"" > \\\c$\results.txt")
And I have tried created a log folder and sharing that out with full control for everyone
$result = ([WmiClass]"\\$s\ROOT\CIMV2:Win32_Process").create("cmd /c dir /S/B | findstr ""test"" > \\\log\results.txt")
None of this seems to work, but if I change it to a local path it works
$result = ([WmiClass]"\\$s\ROOT\CIMV2:Win32_Process").create("cmd /c dir /S/B | findstr ""test"" > C:\results.txt")
Please help, thank you.
I think all I am going to do is, after the command finishes move the file from the computer to the server.
if(Test-path \\computer\c$\results.txt){
move-item -path \\computer\c$\results.txt \\server-name\c$ -force | out-host