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Code quotations and Expression trees

I wonder if there is any difference in how the two features are implemented under the hood? I.e. Aren't just code quotations built on top of the old good expression trees?



  • The two types are quite similar, but they are represented differently.

    • Quotations are designed in a more functional way. For example foo a b would be represented as a series of applications App(App(foo, a), b)

    • Quotations can represent some constructs that are available only in F# and using expression trees would hide them. For example there is Expr.LetRecursive for let rec declarations

    • Quotations were first introduced in .NET 3.0. Back then expression trees could only represent C# expressions, so it wasn't possible to easily capture all F# constructs (quotations can capture any F# expression including imperative ones).

    • Quotations are also designed to be easily processible using recursion. The ExprShape module contains patterns that allow you to handle all possible quotations with just 4 cases (which is a lot easier than implementing visitor pattern with tens of methods in C#).

    When you have an F# quotation, you can translate it to C# expression tree using FSharp.Quotations.Evaluator. This is quite useful if you're using some .NET API that expects expression trees from F#. As far as I know, there is no translation the other way round.