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Google earth or some technology, create a track into GPS coordS?

Hi there does anyone know a way, programatically or using a tool,

that I could create say a course around a Country and convert it into a series of GPS coords?

What I want to do is create a track then using the state of some unrelated data, lets say 0-100% completion, map that progression as a representation on the map.

I.E if the data is 30% completed, then represent a little running man icon on the map having walked 30% of it.

any ideas anyone? Thanks!


  • You can create a track in google earth and save it as KML. KML is a DSL that most geographic viewers understand. Once you have the KML, mining this data is a different story and theres no real rule to follow. You could parse directly the kml using a XML parser and get fun with your school math and vectors or you could download a KML parser library to get quicker results.