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How to convert an Int to a String of a given length with leading zeros to align?

How can I convert an Int to a 7-character long String, so that 123 is turned into "0000123"?


  • The Java library has pretty good (as in excellent) number formatting support which is accessible from StringOps enriched String class:

    scala> "%07d".format(123)
    res5: String = 0000123
    scala> "%07d".formatLocal(java.util.Locale.US, 123)
    res6: String = 0000123

    Edit post Scala 2.10: as suggested by fommil, from 2.10 on, there is also a formatting string interpolator (does not support localisation):

    val expr = 123

    Edit Apr 2019:

    • If you want leading spaces, and not zero, just leave out the 0 from the format specifier. In the above case, it'd be f"$expr%7d".Tested in 2.12.8 REPL. No need to do the string replacement as suggested in a comment, or even put an explicit space in front of 7 as suggested in another comment.
    • If the length is variable, s"%${len}d".format("123")