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How do you dynamically include a module based on what modules are available?

I have a perl script that uses the CGI::Session::Drive::memcached, but I want to be able to fallback on the default Session driver or another driver if it's available on the system...

This is how I started off using Memcache, but this doesnt necessarily solve the problem of the case when Cache::Memecached and/or CGI::Session::Driver::memcached are not available...

package MySession;

use Moose::Role;
use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints; 
use namespace::autoclean;

use CGI::Session ('-ip_match');
use CGI::Session::Driver::memcached;
use Cache::Memcached::Fast;

#would be nice to create this conditionally, or use a delegate maybe
has 'memeCached' => (
 is        => 'rw', 
 isa       => 'Maybe[Cache::Memcached::Fast]', 
 default => sub{ return Cache::Memcached::Fast->new( {'servers' => [ '10.x.x.x.:10001' ],'compress_threshold' => '100000','nowait' => 1,'utf8' => 1} ) },


  sub buildSession{
    my($this,$cgi,$sessionDir) = @_;

    $cgi = $cgi || $this->getCGI();

    my $sid = $this->SID();        
    my $mem = $this->memeCached(); 

    my $sss;

        $sss = CGI::Session->load(undef, $cgi, {Directory=>$sessionDir}) or die CGI::Session->errstr();
            $sss = CGI::Session->load( "driver:memcached", $cgi, { Memcached => $mem }) or die CGI::Session->errstr();


Then this got me thinking, how do I do this -- in a general sense? or what's the best way to do this (especially using Moose)?


  • I had a similar situation. We use Windows domains, which I can connect to Net::LDAP. In my program, I want to be able to take the user ID jsmith, and instead of printing on the user ID, I want to be able to print out the name John Smith.

    Many people at my company use my program, but not all are Perl experts and most wouldn't know how to install a Perl module. And, since Net::LDAP is not a standard module, many people don't have it.

    Instead, I wanted a fallback routine. If I could look up the name with Net::LDAP, I would print the name, if I couldn't load Net::LDAP, I would fallback and just print the user ID.

    I used the following for testing if Net::LDAP was installed, and load it if possible:

    BEGIN {
        eval { require Net::LDAP; };
        our $Net_Ldap_Status  = 1 if (not $@);

    What you have to understand is that:

    use Foo::Bar;

    is the same as:

    BEGIN {
        require Foo::Bar;

    It loads in the module at compile time. By surrounding the require with an eval I can test whether the statement succeeds (and the module is loaded) or fails (the module doesn't load, but the program doesn't crash either.) I can then check $@ to see if the module loaded or not. $@ is the error message that eval sets. If $@ is null, then the module exists and was loaded successfully.

    I need to use a package variable (the our $Net_Ldap_Status instead of my $Net_Ldap_Status) or the variable will be lost when the program runs. (I'm not even sure if my $Net_Ldap_Status would work in a BEGIN statement).

    Now, here's where things get funky...

    When I need to check $Net_Ldap_Status, I need to redeclare it:

    our $Net_Ldap_Status;

    or I tend to get that non-declared variable error. The funny thing is that it doesn't lose its previous value by redeclaring it. Thus, somewhere in my code is:

    our $Net_Ldap_Status;
    if ($Net_Ldap_Status) {
       print "Code if Net::LDAP is loaded.\n";
    else {
       print "Fallback Code if no Net::LDAP\n";