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Is it possible to disable one of the options among a group of radio buttons?

I have a radio button control with two items in it.

<xforms:select1 ref="add-delete" appearance="full">

I want to disable only the radio button 'Delete' and not the radio button 'Add' on condition X. How can I carry out this ?

I tried using class attribute with xforms:item but that is not working. Is there any other way to do this ?


  • Good question. And unfortunately, this isn't as easy to do as it should:

    If you just wanted the delete radio button to be hidden, instead of disabled, you can replace the <xforms:item> for the "Delete" by an <xforms:itemset ref="…"> that you bind to a node which you make non-relevant when you want that radio button not to show. But you can't use that same technique to disable the radio button by binding the itemset to a node you make read-only. (And yes, it would be good if you could do that.)

    As it stands, I think you'll need to:

    1. Create 2 <xforms:select1>. One for "Add", one for "Delete", so you can make the second one readonly upon some condition.
    2. To make it readonly, but not have the "Add" be read-only as well, you need to bind them to 2 separate node.
    3. If you want to have 1 node with either A or D, you need to create a calculate to populate that node based on the 2 values.
    4. You want the values to be exclusive, and they won't be if you have two <xforms:select1>, so you need to deselect "delete" when "add" is selected reacting to xforms-select, and vice versa.

    In the model, you would have:

    <xforms:bind ref="add-delete" calculate="string-join((../add, ../delete), ' ')"/>
    <xforms:bind ref="delete" readonly="../delete-enabled = 'false'"/>

    And in the view:

    <xforms:select1 ref="instance()/add" appearance="full">
        <xforms:setvalue ev:event="xforms-select" ref="instance()/delete"/>
    <xforms:select1 ref="instance()/delete" appearance="full">
        <xforms:setvalue ev:event="xforms-select" ref="instance()/add"/>

    And see this Gist for the full source of this example.