I'm trying to figure out how to load/set models/classes in Lithium controller. This is my first so serious framework & I like it very much, but I dont know a lot about them. Have used only simple one.
The problem what I have is: I'm trying to figure out how to display different controllers/models in one view/layout (display posts, polls, login box etc in one page). I found a tutorial for cakePHP, so you can see here whats bothering me. I could find answer in Litihum docs. Maybe becouse I just don't know the real key words for that.
If you want to display multiple models at once in the same view (like users, latest posts, etc) you can just reference the class:
use chowly\models\Offers;
use chowly\models\Venues;
class OffersController extends \chowly\extensions\action\Controller{
public function index(){
$venues = Venues::find('all');
$offers = Offers::find('all);
In lithium, you just need to reference a class and you can use it. (No ClassRegistry)
For a working Lithium application, take a look at https://github.com/masom/Chowly and join the irc channel on irc.freenode.net #li3