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dashboard in Lithium like in cakePHP

I'm trying to figure out how to load/set models/classes in Lithium controller. This is my first so serious framework & I like it very much, but I dont know a lot about them. Have used only simple one.

The problem what I have is: I'm trying to figure out how to display different controllers/models in one view/layout (display posts, polls, login box etc in one page). I found a tutorial for cakePHP, so you can see here whats bothering me. I could find answer in Litihum docs. Maybe becouse I just don't know the real key words for that.


  • If you want to display multiple models at once in the same view (like users, latest posts, etc) you can just reference the class:

    use chowly\models\Offers;
    use chowly\models\Venues;
    class OffersController extends \chowly\extensions\action\Controller{
        public function index(){
            $venues = Venues::find('all');
            $offers = Offers::find('all);

    In lithium, you just need to reference a class and you can use it. (No ClassRegistry)

    For a working Lithium application, take a look at and join the irc channel on #li3