I am creating a Delphi application to download files from the Internet and if the server supports range requesting it will be multi threaded. The progress is also relayed back to the GUI.
The current software model uses TThread
components. The GUI calls a TDownloadThread
which then spawns the TDownloadPartThreads
- these are the threads which actually do the downloading over 'WinHttp'.
My problem: The CPU is used up, even for one download where there are only 4 threads downloading.
My Supposed Causes:
Synchronize(MainForm.UpdateProgress(Downloaded, TotalSize))
which I have heard is AWFUL to do, maybe I should share an object between the threads so I can access this using a timer on the main form, to update progress?My Solutions
Stagger the file writing and only write every x
Update the TThread
components to use OmniThreadLibrary
and send the data back to the main form somehow. Each TDownloadPart
thread would then become an IOmniWorker
and send back its progress by sharing an object with the main form. The main form would then use a timer to update its progress, like: ProgressBar1.Position := sharedDataObject.Progress;
Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction!
I would use shared object to update state - just like you suggest in your second solution. If you only share an 8-byte (4 is not enough!) file size and if you make sure that address of each shared location is 8-aligned you can use interlocked instructions to modify this shared state and you won't event need locking.
The simplest way to maintain shared state would be TGp8AlignedInt64 record from the GpStuff unit, which would work equally well with OmniThreadLibrary- or TThread-based solution.
TGp8AlignedInt64 = record
function Add(value: int64): int64; inline;
function Addr: PInt64; inline;
function CAS(oldValue, newValue: int64): boolean;
function Decrement: int64; overload; inline;
function Decrement(value: int64): int64; overload; inline;
function Increment: int64; overload; inline;
function Increment(value: int64): int64; overload; inline;
function Subtract(value: int64): int64; inline;
property Value: int64 read GetValue write SetValue;
All operations on this record are thread-safe, so you can safely do .Add in the worker thread and call .Value from the timer event in the main form at the same time.