I'm building a queue-based system to scale user-uploaded images.
Users will upload images which will get transferred to a storage server. The web server will then add a message to a queue which will be listened to by image scaling workers that will retrieve the image files, scale them and add them to the storage server.
I was planning on using celery over rabbitmq for this, but my web tier will be running PHP so for convenience I'd rather find a PHP way of doing this.
What suggestions do people have?
If it came to it (although I don't want to complicate the web tier by having python and PHP) how easy would it be to control celery from PHP, and how would I do that? Some kind of RPC protocol (like thrift?) or something simpler since celery needn't be on a different server?
I'll just use thrift to allow me to invoke python from php, and use python with celery.