I'm creating a Bible App. The Bible data was made by sqlite. I want my Bible App to look like Real Book. So, I intend using CoreText instead of UIWebView.
I have some questions.
1) Is my way(using CoreText) the best way to look like Real? How about your thought?
2) How make data for using CoreText from sqlite? What format? xml file?? Bible DB file size isn't small. I have no idea. ......
3) Bible App should have [Search feature] and [Book mark feature]. Can these feature be realized from CoreText?
I can't find sample codes and articles about this issue(-How to use CoreText using sqlite).
I need your advice. Please add your comments. Thanks!
You seem to have a few misconceptions here.
First, CoreText. It is a set of C functions for rendering text. It does not aid you in searching or bookmarking.
Also, your SQLite DB already has its own "format". You would query strings from your SQLite DB and then render it to a view, maybe with CoreText.
So SQLite is a tool to store and query information. CoreText is a tool to display strings. You will not find a tutorial or anything covering both at once as they are about totally distinct problems.
You need to learn about the basics first. So I suggest you do these things: