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Alloy fact NOT both properties

I have a piece of code in ALLOY I am trying to do a restaurant reservation system and I have this sig and relation between them.

abstract sig Table{
breakfast: one breakFast,
lunch: one Lunch,
dinner: one Dinner

sig Free{


sig Reserved{


sig breakFast {
breakfastfree:one Free,
breakfastReserved:one Reserved

sig Lunch {
Lunchfree:one Free,
LunchReserved:one Reserved


sig Dinner  {
Dinnerfree:one Free,
 DinnertReserved:one Reserved

all t1,t2 : Table | t1 != t2 => t1.breakfast != t2.breakfast
all t1,t2 : Table | t1 != t2 => t1.lunch != t2.lunch
all t1,t2 : Table | t1 != t2 => t1.dinner != t2.dinner


 pred RealismConstraints []{

 #Table = 4

  run RealismConstraints for 20

I want to put a fact that for breakfast it can be reserved or free NOT BOTH and in lunch and dinner the same thing any ideas?


  • First, the way you've constrained breakfastfree and breakfastReserved it will always be both. You need to use lone (no object or one):

    sig breakFast {
      breakfastfree:lone Free,
      breakfastReserved:lone Reserved

    Then, you could write the fact:

      all t: Table | let breakf = t.breakfast |
        #(breakf.breakfastfree+breakf.breakfastReserved) = 1

    or, simpler, just:

    sig breakFast {
      breakfastfree: lone Free,
      breakfastReserved: lone Reserved
      #(breakfastfree+breakfastReserved) = 1

    However, I'd suggest that you just go with something like

    sig breakFast {
        breakfastReserved: lone Reserved

    and treat no breakfastReserved as "free". You don't need any further facts then.