I work for a web agency and we have just been commissioned to produce an IPhone App for a client.
We would want to sell the App on the AppStore under the clients company name, not our own. When signing up our company to the IPhone Developer program, I see it says apps in the AppStore will appear under our company name.
Does this mean that we would have to sign up to the developer program once for each client we do an app for? Is there anyway we can have an account but distribute under multiple company names?
How do freelance IPhone Developers handle this?
Edit: I am specifically interested in how dev shops which produce IPhone apps to sell on behalf of their clients handle this.
Each client needs to sign up for the developer program.
If you don't have many clients, it's easiest to do Ad-Hoc builds from your own account and only do the final App Store build from theirs. Or, if they have technical people they can handle the ad-hoc builds themselves and not consume your precious device count on the developer portal.
You can be made a "admin" on a client portal, but the problem with using that is that only the person who created the company account can create and use Ad-Hoc certificates.